Friday 10 January 2014

Month start date and month end date, applyTimeZoneOffset get in ax 2012

DateStartMth and dateEndMth in ax 2012 1.public date dateStartMth(date _date) 2.client server public static date dateEndMth(date transDate) Date and UTCDateTime interval for previous month This code calculates the first and last date of the previous month static void EP_dateMonthInterval(Args _args) { date fromDate; date toDate; date baseDate = systemDateGet(); ; toDate = dateStartMth(baseDate) - 1; fromDate = dateStartMth(toDate); info(strFmt("%1 - %2", fromDate, toDate)); } UtcDateTime version of the same job static void EP_UtcdateMonthInterval(Args _args) { UtcDateTime fromDate; UtcDateTime toDate; UtcDateTime baseDate = DateTimeUtil::utcNow(); ; // Remove this month number of days. toDate = DateTimeUtil::addDays(baseDate,-(DateTimeUtil::day(baseDate) -1)); // Add the rest of this days time minus one second. toDate = DateTimeUtil::addSeconds(toDate, -(DateTimeUtil::time(toDate)+1)); // Remove the number of days we are on in // the previous month and add one second to // get to the first of the month. fromDate = DateTimeUtil::addSeconds(DateTimeUtil::addDays( toDate, -(DateTimeUtil::day(toDate))), 1); info(strFmt("%1 - %2", fromDate, toDate)); } When working with dates for a range in a SQL select statement, you may be in need for the first and the last day of a certain month. What at first seems a bit difficult to calculate (not all the months have the same number of days for example), is pretty easy to accomplish with the right tools. The first day of a month You can fool around with things like mkdate, so something like this: static void FirstOfMonth(Args _args) { TransDate TransDate=today(); TransDate FirstOfMth; ; FirstOfMth=mkdate(1,mthofyr(TransDate),year(TransDate)); info(date2str(FirstOfMth,123,2,2,2,2,4)); } But there is a readily available function in the Global class, albeit somewhat hidden:DateStartMth. So your code could read like this: static void FirstOfMonth(Args _args) { TransDate TransDate=today(); TransDate FirstOfMth; ; FirstOfMth=DateStartMth(TransDate); info(date2str(FirstOfMth,123,2,2,2,2,4)); } The last day of a month Just like with the first day of a month, we have a function that will do the job for us: endmth This function calculates the last date in the month of the date specified. static void LastOfMonth(Args _args) { TransDate TransDate=today(); TransDate LastOfMth; ; LastOfMth=endmth(TransDate); info(date2str(LastOfMth,123,2,2,2,2,4)); } DateTimeUtil::date(DateTimeUtil::applyTimeZoneOffset(DateTimeUtil::utcNow(), DateTimeUtil::getUserPreferredTimeZone()));

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