Wednesday 5 July 2017

D365 for Operations Development Basic Terms

Before we talk about AX7 Development, we need to have look at few terminologies, which are as under
Element: Element is any Object residing in AOT. E.g. any Base Enumeration, any EDT, any Table, any Form, which you see in AOT Tree, is an element itself.
Model: A Model is a group of elements. A model is collection of elements that represent a distributable software solution.
Packages: A package is deployable unit, which may have multiple Models.
Project: Projects are the logical containers for everything that’s needed to build your application. A project can be associated with only one model.
After we know basic terminologies, which will be used very frequently, let’s start with ways of developments AX7 provides.
With arrival of AX7, now we can do development in AX, with two methodologies.
If you have been developer of previous versions of AX such as AX2012 or AX2009, you don’t need explanation of this way of development. Name of this methodology ‘OverLayring’ is self-explanatory.
In Microsoft Dynamics AX, a layer system is used to manage elements. The USR layer is the top layer and the SYS layer is the bottom layer, and each layer has a corresponding patch layer above it.
OverLayring means if you do change/customize any element in upper layer, it will override its definition, in lower layer.
This is what we were doing till AX2012 to customize AX. It basically allows customization of metadata and source code in higher layer. For example, you can add a new field in CustTrans Table in the user layer or in ISV Layer.
It refers to concept of extending existing elements, without overriding those into other layers. That means, elements will not be customized, instead elements will be extended. This approach reduces upgrade cost and conflicts. By creating extension elements, all of the customizations and code are stored in a separate assembly. It only contains the code that was added or changed in the extension file. Since this code resides in a separate assembly, it improves performance and the ability to upgrade and test.

REST (Representational State Transfer) endpoint
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) endpoint
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) endpoint

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Basic information in Ax7

Source code:

The model store is represented as a set of folders and XML artifacts
Model elements represented by XMl file containing metadata and source code
X++ code uses temporary XPP file for editing and debugging, but stored in model element's XMl file

Visual studio replaces Morphx as a development environment
Ax7 is integrated with VS and cannot be install separately. It provides with ax7 development box

Not Support:

EP elements:
  Data sets
  Visual studio projects
  Form parts
  Info parts
  Part cue
  Part cue group
projects\private (Shared)
Report Libraries and report
Security process cycle

Data Entity:

Monday 13 June 2016

How to fetch the row count for all tables in a SQL SERVER database

USE  [enter your db name here]
SELECT      SCHEMA_NAME(A.schema_id) + '.' +  A.Name, SUM(B.rows) AS 'RowCount'
FROM        sys.objects A
INNER JOIN sys.partitions B ON A.object_id = B.object_id
WHERE       A.type = 'U'
GROUP BY    A.schema_id, A.Name


SELECT AS table_name,
SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) AS schema_name, AS column_name
FROM sys.tables AS t
WHERE LIKE '%MainAssetId%'
ORDER BY schema_name, table_name;

Enabling Remote Errors in SSRS In Ax 2012

By default the remote errors property in SQL Server Reporting Services is set to false, which means error messages in a multi-server environment aren't very detailed.  By enabling remote errors, you will get additional error information returned which is more useful than this:
For more information about this error, navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors.

Option 1 to Enable Remote Errors - DB Engine
1.  Connect to the database engine in SSMS and navigate to the ReportServer database.
2.  Query the ConfigurationInfo table to get familiar with it.  Issue the following query:

USE ReportServer

UPDATE ConfigurationInfo
SET Value = 'True'
WHERE Name = 'EnableRemoteErrors'

Option 2 to Enable Remote Errors - Report Server
This option applies to SQL Server 2008 and newer.
1.  Connect to Reporting Services in SSMS.
2.  Right-click on the server node and go to Properties.
3.  On the Advanced page, set the EnableRemoteErrors property to True.

Export label file in ax 2012

static void Exportlabelfile(Args _args)
    TreeNodeIterator     templateNodes,templateNodes1;
    TreeNode             templateNode,templateNode1;
    name                 name;
    #define.test(@"\Label Files")
    SysDictWorkflowType template;
    SysLabelFileExportOKN  export=new SysLabelFileExportOKN();
    templateNodes = TreeNode::findNode(#test).AOTiterator();
    templateNode =;
    while (templateNode)
        if(templateNode.AOTLayer() == Global::currentAOLayer())       
            name = #test + #back + templatenode.aotname()+ #back +#Languages;
            templatenodes1 = treenode::findnode(name).aotiterator();
            templatenode1  =;
                templatenode1 =;
        templateNode =;

A user session on the server could not be created. Try to start the client again. If the problem continues, contact the Microsoft Dynamics AX administrator.

The transaction log for database 'DynamicsAx1' is full. To find out why space in the log cannot be reused, see the log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys.databases

Object Server 01: Dialog issued for client-less session 1: [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]The transaction log for database 'DynamicsAx1' is full.
To find out why space in the log cannot be reused, see the log_reuse_wait_desc column in

Dialog issued for client-less session 1: An error occurred while obtaining new RecId value for the table.

The transaction log for database ' ' is full. To find out why space in the log cannot be reused, see the log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys.databases


Check the log number

How to comment code In Ax 2012 R3

Go to the EditorScripts Class add few of the new methods which can help you to easily comment your code for best practice.

Comment all the code:
Comment all the code with Ctrl+E+C with shortcut (Or) Select your code right click and go to the
Scripts -> comments-> comment -> click on that you will get your code commented with the help of below code add this method in the EditorScripts class after that test it.

Public void comments_comment(Editor _editor)
    int startLine = _editor.selectionStartLine();
    int endLine   = _editor.selectionEndLine();
    int i;

    for (i = startLine; i <= endLine; i++)

Un-Comment all the code:

UnComment all the code with Ctrl+E+U with shortcut (Or) Select your code right click and go to the
Scripts -> comments-> uncomment -> click on that you will get your code commented with the help of below code add this method in the EditorScripts class after that test it.

public void comments_uncomment(Editor _editor)
    int startLine = _editor.selectionStartLine();
    int endLine   = _editor.selectionEndLine();
    int i, col;
    str line;

    for (i = startLine; i <= endLine; i++)

        line = _editor.currentLine();

        // Skip leading white space
        for (col = 1; col <= strlen(line); col++)
            if (substr(line, col, 1) != ' ')
                if (substr(line, col, strlen(#comment)) == #comment)

 Insert Hader comments:

Add below method on the EditorScripts class: 

public void comments_insertHeader(Editor e)

    e.insertLines('// Changed on ' + date2str(today(),123,2,1,3,1,4, DateFlags::FormatAll ) + ' at ' + time2str(timenow(), 11) + ' by ' + curuserid()'\n');

For Testing Go to the new jobs right click Scripts -> comments-> InsertHeader -> click on that you will get comment on your code header side.

Start comments:

Add below method on this class EditorScripts , and test in the job

public void comments_Started(Editor _editor)
    int startLine = _editor.selectionStartLine();
    int endLine   = _editor.selectionEndLine();
    int i;
   // #define.comment('//')

    for (i = startLine; i <= endLine; i++)
        _editor.insertLines('// Changes started on ' + date2str(today(),123,2,1,3,1,4, DateFlags::FormatAll ) + ' at ' + time2str(timenow(), 1, 1) + ' by ' + curuserid() +'\n');

End comments:-

Add below method on this class EditorScripts , and test in the job

public void comments_END(Editor _editor)
    int startLine = _editor.selectionStartLine();
    int endLine   = _editor.selectionEndLine();
    int i;
   // #define.comment('//')

    for (i = startLine; i <= endLine; i++)
        _editor.insertLines('// Changes End on ' + date2str(today(),123,2,1,3,1,4, DateFlags::FormatAll ) + ' at ' + time2str(timenow(), 11) + ' by ' + curuserid() + '\n');